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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  January 24, 2012 7:00am-10:00am PST

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tested every year nears, police activity on golden gate avenue, right in between poll and larkin street. there are a lot of police there. many of the streets are closed off. the bomb squad is on the scene with a bomb robot. we are not sure
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what is happening but we do know that the bomb squad is at the federal building. jackie sissel is there and working together more. >>mark: we are waiting for the president to deliver his state of the union address. she also plans to talk about manufacturing, education, clean energy of american values. >>darya: mitt romney has released his tax returns showing he paid about $3 million in federal income taxes in 2010 and urged seven times that from his investments. and he is among the wealthiest of american taxpayers. he donated a combined $3 million to charitable causes to at the
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tax rate of about 14%. tass news and the bridge, of the have had a very long career represented the people of georgia, i think it is clear to save that i have never done any lobbying. >>darya: we are back with more in a couple of minutes. here's a look at the approach to the bay bridge. we will be right back.
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>>darya: breaking news in the kron4 newsroom. the bomb squad is at the san francisco federal building right now. here is a map to show you where police activity is happening. we are hearing this morning that turk street is closed. if this is a place he planned to go, you will find a heavy police presence. if you are headed down golden gate avenue he will have to go down on market street. we are hearing that workers are allowed inside the building. if if you work there you are expected to go to work at the bomb squad is on the scene with a bomb robot
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investigating some sort of package. if we are working to get more information about the police activity happening right now at this it francisco federal building. if jackie sissel is on the way to the scene. a live report a few minutes. mcdonald's had over a billion dollar net income. verizon sold 4.3 million iphone 4s that they subsidize each by a few hundred dollars. >>darya: we are back with more in a couple of minutes. here is a live look at the golden gate. it is looking nice. what a change.
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traffic is moving well. we will be right back. gas
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this >>justine: the san francisco police department and the bomb squad is on the scene at the federal building in san francisco investigating some sort of suspicious package. the bomb robot is they're helping with the investigation. turks street is closed. if you're taking
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golden gate avenue, you will have to turn down market street. if you work at the federal building you are allowed to go to work. the bomb squad is on the scene. if
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>>george: traffic will be diverted here along golden gate 4 hayes st.. this is in the vicinity of the federal building in san francisco. with the fat police presence it will need a little bit of congestion. that is it. to avoid. >>george: here is a quick bridge check started at the bay bridge toll plaza westbound. a backup now reaches beyond the 880 over crossing. there was nothing reported of the efforts that it is likely that we have had a stall. the metering lights have been slowed down. that is why we are seeing double the size of the backup that we saw yesterday. the san mateo bridge ride looks good. problem free in both directions. the golden gate still a smoother ride from marin county. the volume is definitely up. >>james: let's walk into the headlines for today. in terms of what we are expecting, high clouds and patchy fog with temperatures
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in the 40's. partly cloudy with sunny and mild conditions. this evening, light wind in the fall. at about 4:00 a.m. of this party we had an earthquake, a 3.8 magnitude. hist over the next couple of hours we will warm things up a degree or two. in the south bay, some '60s popping up. we are
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looking for more '60s, a very low 60s. 60-61 will be the maximum. as we gaze at the 7 day forecast, we will see pretty much the same forecast each day of the next seven days ended into the weekend. things will warm of tomorrow. we could get into the possible upper 60s for wednesday and thursday. overnight lows will be pretty consistent with what we expect this time of year. we could have fog but that could clear out by this weekend. all in all it is a mild way to end january. we're going at the extended models if we really are not seeing any read. >>mark: 7:18 a.m., let's get a check on the latest news. >>mark: another body discovered on the cruise
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ship, the third floor deck. that brings the number of bodies out to 16. workers and equipment are moving in the sleeves of the 500,000 gal. of faja along >>darya: this is from jefferson county alabama, tornadoes destroyed hundreds of homes. beware people were killed and more than 100 injured. rescue teams are going door to door. this
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video is from center point alabama. seven counties reported damage from 20 as. the salvation army at red cross have deployed to the area. the storms come as the state is recovering from last april's deadly tornadoes. >>mark: new details in san francisco. the latest on ross mirkirimi, an expert fred is coming forward saying he was abusive towards her. the judge set a date for the domestic abuse trial. he is facing three in this trial * three misdemeanor charges. his wife denies that she was attacked. meanwhile, mirkirimi is due back in court on thursday and friday in a protective order issued by the court which is keeping him away from his wife and two year-old son. >>mark: a san francisco prosecutors arrested over the weekend, now it turns
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out her husband was also taken into custody. she is an assistant da. she and her husband were both put into jail on saturday on suspicion of misdemeanor domestic battery and freed after posting bail. she has been a prosecutor with san francisco since 2004 and currently on administrative leave. >>mark: we will be right back as the kron4 news continues. here is a live look at our breaking news story in san francisco. the bomb squad being called out,
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details and a live report coming up. despite flat
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upset hah hah hah hah at the
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>>justine: the bomb squad is at the san francisco federal building. here is the area, there are some streets closed off. here is the federal building. turk street is closed. if you're taking golden gate avenue he will be redirected down market street. at set all
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of run who underwhelmed her
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chef mark routers said it francisco police are
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investigating an assault on a young girl separated by arafat's towards your of fisherman's wharf. as some holders have been listed on telegraph hill first, the hillside is still considered unstable. fife and the president delivered his state of the union address this evening, the annual speech comes in the midst of an already heated reelection campaign. how crispy to be carried live on kron4.- >>darya: breaking news out of san francisco where the bomb squad has surrounded the federal building. jackie sissel has been falling this life's. he has more on what is going on. for >>darya: we will go back to jackie after we reestablish communication.
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>>jackie: can you hear me now? >>darya: yes. >>jackie: i am in front of the federal building. this is the building where barry bonds federal case was held. >>darya: we are having trouble, with all six that technical problem fury let's get to a contract implications. >>george: golden gate and turks streets have been closed, they are immediately adjacent to the federal building. let's take a look at the maps. this is the federal building here to northbound arraigned have to
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>>george: and who let's take a look at the golden gate bridge. the right southbound on 101 still looks pretty good. so does the commute from berlin county. >>james: the golden gate bridge showed us a little bit of haziness. once you get north to san rafael, that is what it thickens up. visibility is down to under a quarter of a mile in some spots. cause for temperature wise we are mild. '40's and '50's for most of the bay. this afternoon, upper 50s in the
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low 60s. it's pretty typical forecast in terms of temperatures. this is pretty close to average. some are is what temperatures will get above average, possibly upper 60s 53 if there is the storm system. let's give you the snow bombs the report. here is some of the video from earlier. clint terms of the ski report, which have kirkwood, a sugar bowl and heavenly. they all have a number of runs open. kirkwood has 44-46 in. of base, 80-24 new snow. heavenly has 24 lists working right now. get up there and enjoy some of
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that. >>mark: a developing story out of san francisco, police are investigating the assault of a young girl separated from her group if fisherman's wharf in the early morning hours at north point between taylor into me said. that is where will trend is this morning with the latest of the investigation. >>will: let me give easily of the land. investigators are still here. this is where the attack happened, it happened right next to the longshoremen building. if you can see how much evidence as it's collected. around 2:30 a.m., we do not know the girls exact age, she was reported missing by her group. for whatever reason she was separated from the group and that is what they call the san francisco police department. they went around fisherman's wharf looking for her. 90 minutes later officers noticed something
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happening right here behind the bushes. bettis ave behalf because all arrested. at this point he is being called he did resist arrest. the young girl was rushed to the hospital. at this point the safe she was a salted. we investigators at the hospital will have to do a thorough investigation. there were reports that possibly shifa have its staff that i speak--i did speak with some officers at the scene. basically this area between mason in taylor, there were spotted officer said yes she will be fine, she has not elected in injuries.
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>>mark: i understand you have more information about the bomb threat? >>will: yes. i just got off the phone with the help of a venetian office appear to provide 30 a.m. the police apart received a phone call that there was a suspicious briefcase and anna the federal and in it had a heart with the a. in the meantime, traffic is being diverted around that area. traffic will not be allowed to go through here. people near that area are being told to stay in their shelter. >>darya: another developing story, in san francisco there has been a rockslide because of all of the rain that we got over the weekend. one giant boulder
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fell on that car. if the hillside is still considered unstable. there are massive boulders still sitting there next to the condominiums. a few of the condos have been evacuated. >>justine: we have live pictures out of tampa florida where mitt romney plans to hold a free bottle to the state of the union address. this is coming after his tax returns were released showing that he paid about $3 million in federal tax income and earned almost 22 million just in 2010. that came mostly from investments. the state of the union address will be held live right here kron4 and live on our web site. that starts at 6:00
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p.m.. will will try to take you back to mitt romney speech in little bit later on. >>darya: we are back in a couple of minutes as we continue live coverage with breaking stories happening this morning including a bomb threat in san francisco at the federal building. we will be back with more in a minute. and
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>>george: welcome back. we are tracking a hot spot for the ride on interstate 680. there was a northbound crash finally starting to show up as a delay of north on 680. its biggest impact has been on the southbound ride backing of traffic to the 242 split. now that the crash has cleared we may see things start to improve. >>mark: a breaking news story out of san francisco, the bomb squad has surrounded the federal building in san francisco. there is the federal
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building. that is where jackie sissel is with an update. >>jackie: i am at golden gate and larkin right in front of the federal building. you can see the bomb squad and police department down there. around 6:00 a.m., someone spotted a suspicious package in front of the main entrance to the federal building on turks street. the bomb squad was called in and streets were closed off. we're being told that the package has been x-rated and has come up negative. apparently whatever was in the package is not deemed any sort of issue and they will be able to reopen everything. employees were allowed to go inside this is the federal building with barry bonds trial happened,
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also inside of that building is the fbi into iras. obviously, high-security. in the last couple of years, security has increased even more. the good news is whatever package they did find has been checked out and they will be reopening street's relatively soon. >>george: this incident is near the civic center so it will affect traffic in and around the superior courts dealt a in the the civic center as well. this is northbound larkin at turk and golden gate. the intersections will be reopening but they have not yet. all of this northbound traffic coming up from market street and south of market, that is a lot of
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arterial traffic trying to get into that area. it is being diverted onto golden gate ave. and >>justine: we are still monitoring the live pictures were republican presidential hopeful mitt romney will hold eight rebuttal to the state of the union address. these are live pictures out of tampa, florida. we do plan to bring some of his comments coming up later on. we will take a break and be right back. across the
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road >>gary: of these guys are not worried about it seeds are going up or a beer is good to cost more, they want more money. that is repeated as. >>darya: maybe it is not about the money. i think some giants fans are taking
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it personally. >>darya: maybe he just wants to go elsewhere. >>gary: i do not think so. this is a great deal that says, if you can afford to pay this guy, you could afford to pay me, i am one of the best pitchers in the game. >>darya: the giants have 13 cases of arbitration, it is the most of any team.
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>>gary: i look at this and say, what is enough? but in the world they are living in,
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>>darya: i get the feeling that lincecum wants to go to the yankees. >>darya: we are back with more in a moment.
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>>mark: the s&p is downgraded agreed to select the default. verizon had big
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losses. 2 billion a 4 1/4. the dow was off 40 and the snc is off 3. >>darya: will take a break and continue live coverage of our breaking and developing stories. on the left-hand side, the latest of a bomb threat at the federal building and on the right there are police investigating the sexual assault of a young girl at fisherman's wharf. details coming up. hist costs
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when >>darya: breaking news unfolding in san francisco. >>darya: at around 5:30
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a.m., the bomb squad was called to the scene. let's take a look at video from about an hour ago. this package was found across from the main entrance, the bomb squad was called in. they said in a robot id x- ray the package to discover that there was nothing of harm inside. i am at the corner of larkin in the golden gate. some called
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for some wrote
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>>will: will be talking to the suspect to find out whether or not he is homeless. this happened right next to the long and offshore fishermen building. we have spoken to a lot of people showed up here at the headquarters. they have said that this area is still of homeless people. we are still trying to find out if this suspect was homeless. >>darya: a very different picture out there this morning. the this is the
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story all around the bay. >>james: high and dry is the forecast. this is a look from the roof camera. cloud cover overhead. a lot of high clouds. in some parts of the day, fog. mostly cloudy with patchy fog. this afternoon we will get breaks of sunshine. as for right now we're looking at the fog in the north bay during visibility is down to about a quarter of a mile or less. as for the temperatures this afternoon, upper 50s and low 60s.
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>>george: lee had some hot spots we were traffic, 680 of walnut creek has cleared out. the backup reaches beyond the 880 over crossing. >>mark: new this morning the president delivered his third state of the union address. >> the president will
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describe how to--how we got to where we are and how we will move forward. to many families are still sitting around kitchen tables, struggling to make ends meet. the president believes that we should have a country that invests in manufacturing, new energy and preparing our work force. american values about fairness and equity. >>darya: live in the kron4 news from we are following republican presidential candidate mitt romney, he is delivering a rebuttal to the president's state of the union address in the live in tampa, florida.
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>> this president's agenda made these troubled times last longer. he and his allies made it harder for the economy to recover. instead of solving the housing crisis in and getting americans back to work, he has been building a european style welfare state. he has pushed for second stimulus and a deep as to the national defence. he is asking the american people for more than a trillion dollars and another term in office. he tells people we cannot tweets, to which i say, yes we can. >>justine: we are listening live to mitt romney in tampa, florida. he made almost $43 million in two years. he is one of the wealthiest candidates in history. we will take a
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break and be right back to.
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third >>darya: 11:00 a.m., out of italy, another body has been discovered aboard the cruise ship. the discovery was of the third floor deck. that brings 16, the number of bodies that have been a found since january 13th when the ship ran into a rock in was grounded it turned sideways. the meantime, workers and equipment are moving into place to begin pumping out a
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half-million gallons of fuel see for its sales into the sea of of tuscany. italian rescue crews are continuing to blast small holes in the ship's frames of the divers can get in there and were easily search for interest cover the 15 people who are still reported missing. >>mark: the united states is surveying the damage here is a look at different towns in alabama. more than 200 homes have been destroyed. >>darya: 8:12 a.m., we are back with more in a couple of minutes. we have lighted breaking news. scott off-
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the-cuff fort macbook "
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>>james: temperatures will get warm tomorrow. wednesday and thursday could be our best bet at seeing tougher terms of the mid-upper 60s and potentially which is quite a bit above what you would expect for this time of minetta a a a a a a a analysts a and it the the rest of the forecast, mild with temperatures of cooling a bit. >> we're just getting word of a new problem. castro valley and san leandro, the connecting freeway that runs from the 580 interchange to 880, reports of accidents that may be blocking most if not all of the lanes. they had westbound. the right on
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highway 10 1/4 belt, let's take a close look. it is that the pretty heavily the up from the 280 at 1 01 interchange. so is to 80 northbound. there was an earlier occurring accident at delacroix's. look what it has done for this northbound drive time. it is slower than we have seen in a long time. 42 minutes. still here is to 80 heading north from 101. accident at wolfe road. the ride out towards cupertino it to the interchange, a slower drive time there as well. over on the bay bridge this morning, we have been looking at a pretty good-sized bass bug reaching from west grand avenue towards the foot of the maze. a 16-80 minute drive time this resource
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serta hornets the current nighttime in equity volume of an internet only have the traffic through marin on loans helped out. could >>darya: new this morning, we just brought you to be on their oscar nominations search from beverly hills. >>jan: some of my favorite people got snubbed. you have brad pitt vs. george clooney. also the very fact that money all got so many nominations. it's a everyone buys supplies. you goal lead
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with all of these nominations. it is amazing movie. hugo is about a local boy finding one of the pioneers of cinema. the same thing is that the artist. here is a little bit from hugo. it did not win any nominations when it comes acting which is very surprising, but it really is about to set direction, the are designed in the editing of. this is the first 3d movie for martin scorsese. this will make people go see it. after the king's speech was nominated last year, 45 percent, a ticket sales went up after it was nominated. bridesmaids, a food mill women could be as grows, and discussing get edgy as a man? the best original
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screenplay. the real surprise was the supporting actress, melissa mccarthy.
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billy crystal is going to be the host this year. this movie is a very good. it is like my week with maryland, i think michelle williams will take it away for meryl streep. the movie is so good. i thing michelle williams has a real chance.
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this year you have star power and in international film from of ron that will cause a lot of controversy. you have bridesmaids, you have the elephant of funds. few have billy crystal has such funds satire. you have all of these things coming out of nowhere. >>darya: i cannot wait for the show. we're back with more in a couple of minutes. hah at five
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>>mark: of the latest on ross mirkirimi, his ex- girlfriend is now coming forward and declaiming in that he was abusive towards her when they were dating three years ago. a judge has set a date for the domestic abuse trial involving his life. he has pleaded not
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guilty. mirkirimi will be in court would keep him away from his wife and two year- old son. the details of as it does is coprosecutor arrested over the weekend on suspicion of domestic violence, the prosecutors have to was also taken into custody.
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>>george: all lanes of 231 were blocked by an accident. look what it is doing to was on 580 traffic. keefe from
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whom >>mark: the big stories we are following, san francisco police investigating an assault on a young girl separated from her group near fisherman's wharf. a live report coming
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up. the president is delivering his third state of the union address. office of the
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>>george: we're tracking another hot spot, 101 northbound through san jose, the result of an earlier occurring as it now clear from the lanes. the commute is now have 48 minutes. >>james: san francisco is beating in sunlight right now. here's a quick look at wallet can expect ahead. partly cloudy and mild.
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wednesday and thursday will be the warmest days of the week. possibly upper 60s. sunny and dry will be the pattern to the end of the month. here's a look at the extended forecast of a full check of traffic. >>mark: police are investigating an assault on a young girl separated from a younger group near fisherman's wharf. will tran
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is live with and of the curious >>will: to be more specific, it happens right here around 4:00 a.m.. they noticed that attack happening between the window into the bushes. the building that you see is the longshoremen's the building. it has nothing to do with the longshoremen. this is where they had to find the suspect into the victim. here is video that we got after police officers arrived. the suspect at this point, they are not releasing his name or if he is a homeless man. that is in part because union members are showing up. they say this area is a haven for homeless people. at this point, they do not know for sure. we do know that he resisted arrest and officers had to restrain him. during that process he was complaining of illness. he also was rushed to hospital. we do not know the girls is that stage but i
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can tell you around to 30 a.m. her group reported her missing. we are not sure if there was a bed check, we are trying to get more information on that. i can't tell you she has not life- threatening injuries. they took 16 maybe 18 bags of evidence away from the scene. >>darya: the president will deliver his state of the union address tonight. he is expected to make an argument for economic fairness for the middle-class and argue that he is the one to deliver it. we will also be streaming live on that all starts at 6:00 p.m.. >>justine: already this morning, mitt romney gave a
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pre bottle to the presidency sitting, here is more from his speech into a book. beth >> high unemployment, record enclosures, debt that is too high, too few opportunities, this is the real state of the union. you will not hear stories like those at the president's address. the unemployed did not get tickets to sit next to the first lady. >>justine: we will play more of his sound coming up at 9:00 p.m.. advisers have acknowledged that mitt romney and his wife had a big account it's it's a live as a part of our trust. the cow was worth $3 million.
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>>darya: mitt romney has release tax returns. it shows he paid about $3 million. that makes him among the wealthiest of american taxpayers. he donated a combined 3 million to a charitable causes >>mark: we will be right back as the kron4 news continues.
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>> was his head was out, i was relieved. >> they do exactly where i went in this note. that was my saving grace. >> it is nothing i have ever seen before it did nothing to want to ever see again. >>darya: they had him out at about 10 minutes if he was not injured. >>mark: we will be right back as the kron4 news continues. >>mark: is the list are running but there are not a lot of people.
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>>george: to 38 is shut down right now but a multi vehicle accident. one of the vehicles of overturned. it is backing up traffic heading up the doublet grade of ages 6580 in the westbound direction. speeds are in single digits. the big rigs that would normally be headed out to to 38 and ended its are being allowed to use interstate 580. that is for traffic turning mark. another hot spot is
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year, the ride on 24 in the westbound direction. looking at your bridges, the bay bridge westbound, the backup is finally easing a bit. at what time it was backed up to the foot of the macarthur maze. the san mateo bridge has been problem free all morning long. a quick check for the golden gate reveals an easy ride to get from marin county. this afternoon partly sunny and mild conditions but temperatures in the upper 50s, even a few low 60s. this evening we
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will cool things down with all forming in the valleys. temperatures at the moment are still on the mild side. by 9:00 a.m. we will still be dealing with forties and fifties. by noon, if you '60s. by 2:00 p.m. upper 50s analysts '60s. hist a look at the 7 day around the bay, we will stay in the 60s for the better part of the next seven. a mild a forecast of high pressure over head. conditions will be a little warmer. otherwise, we are
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looking okay. in the sierra, they have new snow to enjoy. let's see this note on ski report. some >>justine: that is not destroyed, a pile of wood and debris. at least two people were killed and hundreds of buildings
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damaged. we're monitoring the live pictures all morning for the kron4 is wrong. >>darya: for work had state head football coach joe paterno is going to be buried tomorrow. his family has scheduled three days a public memorial events. he died sunday at the age of 85 after being diagnosed with lung cancer. there will be public viewings today at a private funeral service is set for tomorrow after did. a memorial service will be held thursday afternoon. >>mark: we will be right back as the kron4 is continues. here is a live look at the golden gate. skies are slowly starting to clear. half "
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>>erica: check this out, a dad was playing with his baby in certain noises were made, the navy responded with some pretty funny faces. video received over 800,000 views on youtube in the past three days. if you what to watch the entire video and weigh in on what you think, check out our facebook fan page. >>darya: the recent storm that hit the bay area and left debris behind takes a look at what ended up in the san francisco bay in this edition of people behaving badly. >>stanley: we think of a stream, creek or a slow, birds, water into beauty comes to mind. if you look at some of the waterway is a travesty of the cisco bay, you might see shopping
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carts, oil containers, is filled bottles, running shoes into maybe even a christmas tree. for example, in south san francisco, kitcat wrappers, plastic garbage vans in even soda cans. the water has all types of trash floating around. across the bay at strawberry creek inn in the berkeley marina empty cups into this sign that reads caution, diesel still. the water has these oil booms which is also catching plastic water bottles headed out to the bay. on the shoreline, where things should be in the trash are actually on the beach. the worst of them all. >> is getting messier as time goes on. it is a sad
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state of affairs. there are plenty of garbage cans. >> would you believe this has been cleaned up not once, of possibly twice in the last six months? in one a cleanup more than 1,000 lbs. of trash was removed. all of this trash was washed down from storm drains. it is definitely the result of people behaving badly.
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>>mark: san francisco giants coach ross is thinking fans and headed to buy boston. his contract is at 1,000,001 year, $3 million. he says the deal will not be finalized until he takes his physical. he helped the giants win the world series after the victim of relievers in august. >>darya: we are back with more in a couple of minutes. a developing story out of san francisco.
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>>darya: we're live in a traffic center with gerge rask. we cannot shake a hot spot in castro valley. >>george: this signallers and down to 38 completely. we have three left lanes blocked thought were 580 connects with 238, you cannot really get out at around the accident. look what it has stuck to the backup. 580 is backed up nearly to the doublet interchange. this is adding 50-20 minutes to the commute time westbound. the traffic is being diverted onto interstate 580 that would normally be headed to the nimitz northbound. take a look at what has happened to highway 24. stop and go
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traffic. things are jammed up for the was down 24 ride. closer to the caldecott things to start to pick up a little bit. >>will: police are investigating the attack on a young girl that happen here on this building. officers spotted her around 4:00 a.m.. it had 90 minutes
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after her group reported her missing. for whatever reason, officers were drawn over here. they noticed the man attacking a juvenile. we are not sure of her name. here is video that we received right after officers arrived. we are not sure if he is homeless. this is a place where a lot of homeless people hail. at this point they're not releasing his name. he fought with officers and complained of illness is. there are a lot of questions out there, whether or not she was sexually assaulted.
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she was physically assaulted, we are not sure if it went to another degree. we will get more information as the morning progresses. >>darya: we want to get a look at the weather, we are in a new pattern for a while to come. >> partly cloudy skies in the areas of localized fall, especially in the north bay. it looks like temperatures are running on the mild side and into the afternoon we will consider to see a pattern of a mix of sun and clouds. light winds and fall will be returned with temperatures in the 40's. here is a look at temperatures right outside the door. for the most part we're sitting in the '40's and '50's. as we see whatever is good throughout the rest of the day, by 12:00 a.m., most locations
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will make it into the 50s and we will continue to see the upper 50s for the afternoon highs. the green does seem to be in a couple of locations. coming up in my next report, a look at your 7 day around the day forecast and when we can expect wet weather to return. >>darya: the president is delivered his state of the union address tonight. a senior adviser says the president will talk about what the economy is like in other priorities he has. >> he will describe how we got to where we are and more importantly how to move the country forward. over the last 22 months, we have had private sector job growth each and every month. we have treated 3.2 million jobs. we created more jobs last year than any year since 2005. we are clearly moving in the right direction but as we know, too many families are still sitting around their kitchen tables struggling to make ends meet. the president
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believes we should have a company that does a country that invests in manufacturing, new energy and preparing our work force and that has american values that are all fairness and equity. >>darya: you can watch the address tonight and we will be streaming it on >>justine: republican presidential candidate mitt romney has given a rebuttal to the president's address. we carried some of his comments live to about an hour ago. here is more of what he had to save from tip of florida. south romney's advisers have acknowledged that he and his wife had a
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big account in switzerland as a part of her trust and that one account was worth more than $3 million. >>mark: romney is one of the wealthiest taxpayers. his tax rate was up 14%.
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>> i have had a long career tried to represent the people of georgia in the people of the united states. i think it is pretty clear to save that i have never gone and done any lobbying. >> romney himself was an investor in the mortgage- backed company. >>darya: we will be back in a couple of minutes. here is a live look outside from the roof on van ness avenue in san francisco.
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>>george: there westbound direction is back up through the caldecott tunnel through orinda, lafayette and walnut creek. an accident of the tunnel has been clear to the shoulder.
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>>mark: we had big losses from verizon carry 2 billion for the quarter. big profits for mcdonald's very close to 1.4 billion. >>darya: big rocks in san francisco falling down telegraph hill, you can see the giant boulders that came down because of the weekend rain, this morning, the san francisco hillside is still considered unstable cfs safe sphere there have a few condos that they want to take a look at. flows of the hillside belongs to this city. city engineers say they have to figure out who will be responsible for the cost of the cleanup fee and reinforcing the land around the area.
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>> it is unclear if anything was done wrong. it is only clear that it means to be examined much more thoroughly. coming up, jan wahl will be talking about the oscars. here is a live
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look from san francisco.
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this fifth for the seas
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again this in my
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>>erica: is a little bit of sunshine be getting to poke out. cloudy conditions but we will see a break of sun as it headed to the afternoon. partly cloudy and mild conditions would temperatures above the seasonal average. wednesday and thursday will be the warmest days. we could see a couple of spots flirted with the upper 60s. we will continue to see sunny and dry conditions for the rest of the month. we will be monitoring that her up the morning. a lot of the north bay fog has burned off. the red dog does indicate less than a quarter mile
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visibility just south of the petaluma. for potentially hazardous driving conditions of the roadway. pfft hayward and san jose in the low 50s. >>erica: temperatures will be on an upward trend. we will continue with a mild weather pattern into the weekend but still contending with for the frigid of warning syria for fog while
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>> billy crystal will be hosting the authors. howff another surprise aside from the nominations for money ball is bridesmaids. who is expected this raunchy tough comedy glenn close is up for
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an oscar. it is a very interesting year. for you also have to classic movies about hollywood. if
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>>jan: hugo is a great film. i am a student of
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silent films. there's also a dog in the movie that is so beautiful. i cannot believe he did not get nominated. half fed has a lot of nominations it shows youths' families can pick up our spirits it take us out of the world what we needed the votes. faugh >>mark: what are some of the movies that was to go see? >>dan: the king's speech went up 45% after was nominated. that is how much of the denomination's make a difference. i want to see 50/50. we felt that shirley's thereof was robbed of young adults. the writer did not get nominated, it is one of the best
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screenplays. there are a lot of great films to seek. midnight in paris is on dvd now. swiss >>darya: and the descendants. you have a lot going on. it will be quite a year. >>mark: we will be right back. for the
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>>george: stop and go conditions. the drive time is running 33 minutes. 24 is still backed up out of lafayette heading to the caldecott tunnel in the wake of the taxes that have long been clear from the traffic lanes. things are still slow from before the red cross roads to the caldecott tunnel. >> the number of bodies found is 16. in the meantime workers and equipment are moving into place to begin pumping the 500 gal. of fuel before its
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bills into the pristine waters off of tuscany. italian rescue crews are continuing to blast small holes said the divers can't continue to search for the people's >>darya: dramatic video from a rescue in washington state, an avalanche buried fan friends who were riding on the snow will be off. listen to what the victim and the rescuers. >> they knew where i went in the snow. that was the saving grace, knowing exactly where i went in the snow. >> off and once his head was out, i was more relieved. >> i felt very in concrete or frozen in an ice cube. >>darya: they have him out in about 10 minutes the aunt he was not injured.
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>>mark: the strongest geomagnetic storm in more than six years ago but it is limited to earth today. it could affect satellites. this solar storm is exploding off of the sun and barely towards earth right now. this half and on sunday. the energy coming off of the sons can interfere with radio communications used by airlines and affect the power griff as well as affect astronauts on the international space station if. >>mark: we will be right back as the kron4 news continues.
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>>mark: a boulder is sitting at the bottom of telegraph hill. the whole site is considered unstable. a mass of boulder is sitting at the floor. >>mark: we will be critics >>darya: fear is a look at the traffic hot spot. >>george: a major tieups with our hot spot and sig alert the say castro valley. pfft
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>>erica: and a little bit of
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a ball clinging on to the north bay locations and situated over highway one allegis south petaluma fifths visibility is less than a quarter of a mile. the fog has burned off along the delta. a little bit of cloud cover out there. faisal fee of this looks life of louis of safe indicates 60s in the south bay to by lunchtime. as we check out the afternoon highs, by 2:00 p.m. a good mix of blue and green. the green indicates '60s and a little bit cooler in the north bay gas and along the coast. the 7 day around the forecast shows a while the mother of-just a wild fame weil of the weather pattern into the middle of next week. we will continue to see sunshine as we have closer to the end of the week in the weekend fares still contending with critical mornings and to reduce in the crease. >>mark: would have been falling a story throughout the morning in san francisco, police investigating an assault on
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a young girl separated from her towards the group at fisherman's wharf. will tran has been live on the scene throughout the morning with the latest. >>will: here is the lay of the land. officers were on patrol, for whatever reason, something to your attention to the bushes here next to this building, they went over to investigate and that is when they found a man attacking a juvenile sachs right next to the windows and the bushes. here is video that we got from the investigators. we do not know how the group realized that she was separated but the group continued to walk, nonetheless, for the next 90 minutes they were out here on foot patrol looking for her. at around 4:00 a.m., that is when they discover that she was attacked. they
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did arrest a suspect, at this with the art releasing his name. as far as the girl, we do know that she was a salted. whether or not she was sexually assaulted, that is what seeing infancy - all but
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morning about the normal virus outbreak in marin county. officials are investigating an outbreak that hit to nursing homes and a preschool. the two senior residential care facilities and free school are under quarantine. the outbreak may have caused 16 children and adults to become sick and a total of 73 people have fallen ill in san felt. cut the health department learned of the opera just yesterday but they believe it started january 13th. back as the kron4 news continues. we're going live to get an update on our hot spot. big problems this morning in castro valley.
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first x but
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>>erica: mild weather has
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hit into the weekend. there is a quick look at a still bombs the report. the southeast, you can see the number of homes that were flattened in jefferson county alabama. the tornadoes destroyed hundreds of homes and at least two people were killed. rescue teams had to go door to door
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in some neighborhoods. seven counties in alabama for a recording damage. of the storms are coming in as the state is healing from last april's deadly tornadoes. " >>justine: we are following the latest with joe paterno and his death. his family members are saying that they were by his side when they pass--when he passed away. >> he was communicating with us, all 17 grandchildren came to see him. all of the children and spouses were there. he was communicating with us. >>justine: j. paterno says his father would have wanted
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justice for the victims of the elected sexual assaults the viewing for joe paterno is happening right now. one of the people who just showed up is mike mccurry. he is more than 100 invited guests that are attending a private viewing at the penn state spiritual center. >>mark: the storm may be over, but there is a lot of debris left behind. stanley roberts take a look at what ended up in the day in this edition of people behaving badly. >>stanley: but we think of a stream, birds, water and you come to mind. if you look at some of the waterways around the san francisco bay, you could see shopping carts, will containers, filled bottles, shoes or maybe even a christmas tree. for example, a candy bar
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wrappers, soda cans, the water has all types of trash floating around the water has these oil booms that catches plastic water bottles headed out to the bay. on the shoreline, things that should be in the trash are actually on the beach. the worst of them all the more looking regional shoreline. >> it is getting messier as time goes on. it is a sad state of affairs. plenty of garbage cans, people at the garbage it, they could pack it out. this has been cleaned up twice in the last six months, the latest being a week ago. in one clean up,
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more than 1,000 lbs. of trash was removed. it is definitely a result of people behaving badly. >>mark: if you have a comment or story idea, e- mail us on >>darya: we are back with more in a couple of minutes. here is a live look as we're looking at dry and sunny conditions. ifs sunny conditions in and the snow in tahoe. check this out. it looks like spring skiing. um
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you disney stamps all only that's at fact at one london hutton detecting attacks might mention he some of this to rid of the late going narrow number of cabinet and put of a broad audience is a win all these balls bearing surgery next week as the tax me yesterday severance agreement sweet me
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know how many get ahead coldly feel like a man from all the media's no stomach a certain films and to look at this address for the iphone she wants the kindle fees us sell gas bill is that it will cause, it kept her summers can go on line is a can-do business can do that with the kindle first machine can do all of apps
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>>darya: look at the president--the black eyes on the vice president. it happened during a hockey game with friends. he ended up with a broken nose and to black and blue eyes. >>darya: let's take a look at the other nominations for oscars. better the life. the descendants. the artist and a money ball.
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>>mark: here is a quick check for best actresses, meryl streep, michelle williams >>darya: we will see you tomorrow starting at 4:00 a.m.. >>mark: dr. phil is coming up next.
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